They Made It To The Top of Petřín Hill!

September 16, 2017

Finally :D 

During their first trip to Czech in the middle of 2015, we ran out of time to explore Prague itself. Lol. I was so eager last time to take them to different cities in Europe and turned out I forgot to allocate more days to explore Prague itself. -__-'

But, alhamdulillah this time, more places checked!

14th July 2017
Petřín hill, Czech

With Petřín Lookout Tower (Petřínská rozhledna)

Finally they managed to get to the top! The queue for the funicular was not that short but I was glad we had few unplanned hours to spend. :)

The day after my graduation day was when our Europe road trip started. We were expected to pick up our pre-booked rental car at about 3pm when unexpectedly it was delayed till 6pm. 

Early morning that day, I took a tram from our Airbnb to the city center to get my degree's translation done, together with the other Malaysians. Since the scroll was very big, we need to make a notarized, smaller copy (A4) - and of course it costs money. Then, we left the smaller copy at the translation office. 

Guess what, the translator was extremely old and we were told that he is currently the one and only official Latin to English translator in Czech! We kept praying that he will remain healthy as long as he can :)

Summer with flowers. <3

Done with all procedures, I rushed back to the Airbnb to help with check out. With Uber, we took our luggages straight to car rental office and planned to store our luggage there for few hours while waiting for the car to be ready. 

Things happened, plan changed.
So, the car will only be ready around 6pm. 

What to do? 

Let's explore Prague!
Of course not really by foot but public transportation :D Hehe


click here to read and to enjoy the views from this hill :)

Main aci nyorok ;p This was how I enjoyed my parents' old school jokes... ambik je gambar nanti kacau diorang balik :)

Sometimes, I feel like I am just a photographer for their trip. Haha. I wonder how older generation can maintain the sweetness and harmony in their relationship? T__T

The queue for funicular. You can always use the same tickets for tram / metro as long as they are still valid.

View from the funicular. 

My mum requested her picture with these roses :D  

Homemade lemonade - already missing this T__T

This lemonade was nicely done and delicious! Always ask about the ingredients if you come to Czech as they sometimes don't consider wine / beer as alcohol (as these are totally normal for them). Don't simply ask about alcohol okay?

Does it have alcohol, beer or wine?    Má alkohol, pivo nebo víno?

Ginger for ayah, lemon for mak, strawberry for me. 

Around 5pm+, the car rental company texted me that the car was ready for pick up. :)

Just for my future reference, in case I forgot about this.
Or you can try this car rental company as well :) I recommend it!

After checking the car and set the navigation, we finally leave Prague for a transit in Hannover before our next destination, Hamburg, Germany. :) 

Sunset in Germany. 

SubhanAllah, isn't it beautiful? :D

Till next post, insyAllah :)

SS, Perak, Malaysia

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