Gantung:2 by Nadia Khan | Book Review

October 10, 2017

Gantung:2 - a book I can't wait to get my hands on! 

It is a sequel of Gantung (I posted a review errrr maybe more to lessons learned from the book). Generally, the author managed to answer most questions that the readers were left with after Gantung. :)

Gantung:2 Book Review
front cover

Title: Gantung:2
Author: Nadia Khan
Pages: 284
Publisher: Buku Fixi
Publication Date: 2017

Just so you know, this book is 4 years after the first one had been released. I am totally glad that I read Gantung just few weeks ago when Gantung:2 is already available. It is hard to move on within that 4 years to know more about the plot. -_-'

I am not sure if I should write the rough synopsis as it will obviously contain spoilers for the first book. :) Anyway, the things or lessons learned that I am going to write here will have spoilers as well, maybe. 

Read at your own risk. If you haven't read Gantung, feel free to skip this post and read that first ahaha then come again and share your thoughts okay? Otherwise, it is up to you :)

Gantung:2 Book Review
back cover

After Ray made a stage performance so that Gibbs and KJ realized they were no longer living a normal life, both of them follow Ray to stay together. Ray can actually 'see' them! He is now better known as Khalil (after he turns to Islam). He actually went to Prague and studied films after he finished school. 
  • The school incident happened in 2011.
  • Ray returned to the school (as in Gantung) in 2021.
  • Scenes in Gantung:2 mostly take place in 2023.

If Gantung portrays more scenes at school, this one is more about Ray's life after all the incidents that happened to them. Ray is currently a well-known film director and his first artwork managed to win an award. There are few new characters and some characters from Gantung are not in this book as well. KJ, Gibbs and 'Troll' are in the novel, of course.

Ray/Khalil is kidnapped by a guy whose identity is only known towards end of the novel. Read the book to know why he is kidnapped, who is the guy actually, what happen to both of them, how Gibbs KJ Troll play roles in this incident, what happen to Fara (Gibbs' lover) and eventually you will understand more on what actually happened in Gantung. 

I mean, the timeline finally makes sense :)


Now, I will proceed with what I learned from Gantung:2.

1. Free sex & LGBT and their consequences.
Most Nadia Khan's books have these elements, I am not sure her main reason to use them but they really portrays the bitter reality in our world today. Just like I shared in my review of Gantung, some people use them to have sort of life enjoyment, attract attention and some need it to survive or to threaten to survive. 

On the front page of this book, it mentioned 'untuk pembaca matang' (for matured readers) and I believed it is written there not just for fun. 

I am sorry if I may sound open to touch this topic, but this is something I will encounter at least as a doctor in the future. Free sex (out of marriage) totally disturb and destroy the beautiful part of the relationship between 2 human beings. The thing that should be considered sacred is now taken for granted, without responsibilities. The thing that both of them should get 'pahala' is now done with Allah's anger. 

And not to forget the sin when someone kills the baby; the product. The baby is sinless and if he /she is born to this world, it will be challenging especially with people's judgement. T_T The father cannot be a wali to the daughter and it will definitely affect the family relationship - nasab keturunan etc. 

What can I say, let's keep praying Allah will always help us with guidance and protection from the evil. Being parents is not an easy job, even to find a good partner to build our own family is not easy either. Hopefully, we will always use Quran and hadith as our references to live the life in the right way. Prevention is better than cure. 

2. Moving on is never easy.
People usually say that when the ruh (the souls) still linger around in this world, they may have unfinished business that stop them from moving. Well, that's what usually shown in movies or dramas too.

Can't say much about alam ghaib, I believe it exists but I hope I will always 'terhijab' from it. 

Gantung:2 Book Review

Gibbs, KJ, Troll finally leave Ray, for good and never return. It is hard for Ray to move on when he is the only one from The Musketeers to survive the incident. And yes, the survivor suffers even more. 

+ Forgetting them. Does it gets easier?
- No. And it will never will.
+ *sigh*
- But life gets better. If you want it to be. 

Gantung:2 Book Review
Just like previous novels that I've read, the keys to move on / live the fact are... acceptance.....
Gantung:2 Book Review
... and faith. 

3. Responsibilities.
Growing up, we as human beings need to realize we are carrying more responsibilities every day. No matter who we are, responsibilities are something we can't run away from - as a son / daughter, as a sibling, as a friend... even simply as human being. 

Gantung:2 Book Review
"We are responsible for every single words that come out of our mouth - consciously or unconsciously."

Sometimes, we can't help to keep talking and adding so many comments on some issues. A huge reminder to myself as well. Eventually, after too much talk, we tend to forget what we are talking about actually. Worst case scenario - false facts and maybe we said something bad behind someone's back - mengumpat. T_T

Gantung:2 Book Review
Think twice or multiple times before we do something. Weigh all the consequences.

 4. The fine line in between. 
Gantung:2 Book Review
Worth to ponder. 

 5. The differences between.
Gantung:2 Book Review
Suka vs sayang vs cinta


Just came back from a well-spent weekend in Cheras. While waiting for my return bus to Ipoh that Sunday night, my friends and I managed to drop by MyTown shopping center. And finally I bought this book! :D Jauhnya alahai pergi beli buku punnn.

My rating: ★★★★☆

p/s - Any other Fixi books you would like to recommend?

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